Wednesday, April 27, 2016


The past week has been freakin' hectic. My main computer decided to die on me, causing me to lose 90% of my files(thank god for automatic backups) This happened on the day my new cintiq arrived too ;_;
With my new computer coming in soon, hopefully I will be able to move all of my files over there and get everything set up again so I can work >.<
Even though I managed to fix my 'dead' computer, I still bought a new computer since it was time to update, and the other one wasn't able to keep up with some tasks too well.(I'm lookin at you, Blender ಠ_ಠ)

My new computer is coming with win10 pre-installed, and with the things I've heard about lack of privacy in win 10, linux is looking quite appealing right now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


It's been quite some time since I've posted something on this blog. Mainly due to the fact that I really have nothing to say to put on this blog(and I keep forgetting that I have a blog) >.>

A lot of stuff has happened since I last posted, but now I have a lot of free time to work on what I please, though that is going to change soon again, since I'm planning to go to college in Germany

I really really want to finish Pwer Shift by the end of this year. It's been far too long with too little progress on the story ;_;

I also want to finish "A Blue Rose, A Red Scythe", another story that takes place in the same 'universe' as pwer shift.

hopefully my next post wont be years in the future >..<"